Standard Terms & Conditions

  1. These terms and conditions apply to all goods and services supplied by us to you. You are agreeing to them by placing an order with us.
  2. You must pay us the purchase price for the goods and services we supply to you, together with any other applicable fees or charges, immediately after we invoice you. If we have set out instalments in our quote, you must pay the instalment immediately after we invoice you for it. Time is of the essence for all payments required under these conditions and any payment delays may result in delays to the timing of works. Further costs, including interest, may be applicable to any overdue invoices.
  3. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all prices which we quote or estimate to you are exclusive of GST. If GST is payable on a Taxable Supply made by us to you, then you must also pay the amount of GST payable in respect of that Taxable Supply as additional payment. However, you are not obliged to do so until we provide you with a Tax Invoice or Adjustment Note, as the case may be. In this clause, “GST”, “Tax Invoice”, “Taxable Supply” and “Adjustment Note” have the meanings given by the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Commonwealth).
  4. The client must within 14 days advise Synthetic Bowling Solutions of any defects in material or workmanship. Failure to make such a complaint within the prescribed time will deem the goods and services to have been accepted in good order and condition.
  5. No allowance has been made for rock, soft spots, or un-compactable material in green. If encountered, it will be charged at cost as an extra.
  6. We reserve the right to change machinery and material specification due to local supply.
  7. All goods remain the property of Synthetic Bowling Solutions until the project is paid for in full and all monies are cleared. Synthetic Bowling Solutions has the right of entry to reclaim goods if full payment is not made.
  8. Risk in the goods passes to you upon their delivery to you.
  9. All variations must be acknowledged in writing.
  10. Direct access must be available for heavy vehicles to the base at all times. Failure to do so could result in extra cost in labour and/or small machine hire.
  11. Underground services e.g. sewer, electrical, stormwater, etc., that are in the works will be repositioned and/or repaired at club’s cost.
  12. Workplace Health and Safety site requirements are the owner’s responsibility. Synthetic Bowling Solutions is responsible for its employees/contractors and site safety/workplace practices.
  13. The information and pricing contained in this offer is commercial in confidence and cannot be passed onto any other person/organisation without written permission from Synthetic Bowling Solutions.
  14. Delays due to customer-initiated design or product changes may incur additional costs.
  15. Manufacturing or delivery delays are not the responsibility of Synthetic Bowling Solutions.
  16. Existing products, bases or underlay that are deemed unable to be re-used due to age, improper installation or lack of/no data sheet information, are not the responsibility of Synthetic Bowling Solutions. Any variations required to rectify or restore products, bases or underlay will incur additional costs.
  17. Any specifications, drawings, details, statistics, or performance figures we may have given you about the goods and services are only estimates, and any deviation does not entitle you to make any claim against us. Any sample is provided only to indicate the general nature of the product, and we do not warrant that goods or services supplied will correspond with any sample or with any previous or future goods or services supplied.
  18. Synthetic Bowling Solutions will be allowed delays for weather conditions for two circumstances:
    1. isolated inclement weather, wherein the project site is determined to be unworkable for days of precipitation and days following for short times between otherwise good weather; and
    2. sustained inclement weather, wherein the project site is determined to be unworkable for a sustained period of time, such as the winter months, with only an occasional working day within the sustained unworkable conditions.

    If we believe either condition applies, a request shall be made to the Club for a site meeting and a joint determination of the site conditions and approval of the delay.

  19. Synthetic Bowling Solutions does not take responsibility for any delays resulting from, but not limited to, the following:
  20. Labour delays, including loss of labour due to accident
  21. Family illness/accident/death
  22. Other forces that we could not foresee or control
  23. An act of God
  24. Except as stated in any separate written warranty we may provide you with the goods or a quote, under no circumstances will we have any liability to replace or repair defects in the goods or services where:
    1. you did not notify us of the defects within 14 days after we supplied the goods or services to you;
    2. the defects have not arisen solely from faulty materials or workmanship;
    3. the goods have received maltreatment, inattention or interference or have been used or treated other than in accordance with our instructions and recommendations;
    4. products not manufactured by or approved by us have been used with the goods.
  25. In these terms and conditions,
    1. “we”, “us” or “our” means Synthetic Bowling Solutions
    2. “you” or “your” means the party named as “customer” on any attached or overleaf quote
    3. “directors” means the director or directors of you (if you are a company) named on any attached or overleaf quote, jointly and severally if there are more than one, and includes any legal personal representative of the director or directors
    4. “our confidential information” includes all of our secrets, ideas, know-how, concepts, information, copyright, computer programs, manuals, precedents whether in writing or in any other form and all other information relating to us or our affairs, businesses, sales, marketing or promotional information, and any information about the ingredients, mix, make-up or manufacturing process of the goods
    5. “goods” includes any associated services except where the context does not permit.