FieldTurf / Grassman

Fieldturf are now the proud owner of the Grassman brand and bring their world respected experience and Sports products onboard and Synthetic Bowling Solutions continues their relationship into the future of new and Innovative ideas being developed in Synthetic Bowling Green surfaces.

Standing the test of time Grassmans owners started the Synthetic Turf industry in Australia in the late 1970’s and have a proud and successful history of manufacturing the finest quality Synthetic Grass surfaces and their vast Industry experience gained in this time has been been passed on to Synthetic Bowling Solutions over the years as we have continued to stock Grassman synthetic products for our clients.

“Innovation is our inspiration” – Gary Waterford, CEO & Founder of Grassman – Australian Synthetic Turf Pioneer and respected world-wide for innovation and his contribution to the advances made in synthetic grass’s development , Grassman have a long history of innovation and admirable achievements and is recognized across the globe for its business ethics and design inventiveness.

Grassman have been manufacturing, supplying, exporting and installing synthetic grass surfaces and systems for over 36 years, pioneering the Industry along the way, manufacturing products that are installed across the globe in some of the most prestigious Sporting complexes ,Colleges and Resorts, as well as  government, council and backyards across the world so Grassman is a product that has been globally tested and can be trusted.

Grassman ,now owned by FieldTurf have patents and intellectual property that keep them ahead of the field and are proudly responsible for many industry firsts in the development of synthetic grass worldwide, as well as the installation and maintenance processes.