Synthetic Bowling Green Services

Synthetic Bowing Solutions understands there are so many choices to make when deciding to convert your Grass Bowling Green to a Synthetic Bowling Green or replace an aged Synthetic Bowling surface with a new and possibly different type of Synthetic surface so it’s important to extensively research your options when considering true value for money in your final decision.

During this significant time at the Club, committee and members want to know they are in good hands as they are investing a significant amount of raised funds and a large amount of faith in the chosen contractor and the subsequent Synthetic and base type being presented to them. 
In making this significant decision you need to extensively compare the quality of the materials and workmanship being presented to the Club to ensure the longevity and high standard of final playing surface of your choice and Synthetic Bowling Solutions’ success in this area is based on meeting the all measures in  quality products ,materials ,design and construction, surpassing  World Bowls and Australian Bowls standards every time.

Woven Carpet Synthetic Bowling Greens with their low maintenance, high quality surfaces and nil to low water consumption, are continuing their popularity and continue to draw an increasing amount of Clubs – particularly those with ageing player and volunteer populations.

Our choice of manufacturers has taken much time and refinement, and with National and International leaders supplying our Woven Carpets, Underlay, Chemicals and more, we are at the forefront of the Industry in Bowling green surface performance, technology and design and Synthetic Bowling Solutions can work with you to exceed all your expectations.

Grass Bowling Green conversion to a Synthetic Bowling Green

Since the conversion of the first Grass Bowling green to the first Synthetic Bowling green in Victoria during the early seventies, it has been apparent that the success of a Synthetic surface is largely reliant on the quality of the full installation, not just the surface synthetic chosen, but the Base type and contractor experience in building that base.

For clients considering this significant change, the large capital investment brings with it some validated concerns as once completed, it is much more difficult to remedy construction faults in a Synthetic Green than with a natural green and it is therefore paramount that any new construction is carefully planned from the ground up and installed by an experienced and reputable Contractor like Synthetic Bowling Solutions.

It’s important to understand before a shovel has even broken ground, we need to know everything there is to know about the soil, services and other goings on beneath your future Green, as this saves costly repairs later down the track. 

Experienced in understanding the variety of factors that affect the performance of synthetic greens including existing ground quality, existing infrastructure construction quality, local climate, and more.

Synthetic Bowling Solution advances in Bowling Green base construction methods and carpet maintenance technology has reduced and in some cases  eliminated many problems that could occur through the working life of your new Synthetic Bowling green.

Full Construction of your New Synthetic Bowling Green

Similar to the conversion of an existing Grass Green, the full construction of a new Synthetic Bowling Green is dependent on the existing sub-base and ground quality, infrastructure construction quality, local climate, and more.

Quality assurance in all aspects of the construction process are paramount and Synthetic Bowling Solutions have engineered and proven methods to complete any construction requirements a Club is considering.

We use specifically graded base rock materials, quality preformed concrete cast surrounds, and engineered blockwork, advanced polymer binders and all the latest technology available in the Industry to construct your Green.

Aligning with World Bowls testing standards, a standard produced primarily to be of relevance to clubs and local authorities requiring guidance when purchasing synthetic bowling surfaces, we build Bowling greens with accurate and repeatable performances.

Repairs to your Synthetic Bowling Green

Synthetic Bowling Solutions provides extensive services to Bowling clubs around Australia specialising in base upgrades and replacement surfaces.
We will visit and assess your needs, or if relatively minor we can offer help over the phone or email.

Either way, we will provide a comprehensive report advising you of the options available and most cost effective and resilient solutions to your problem.

Experienced in Insurance and flood recovery, we have a range of equipment and services to re-establish any Green and its surrounding infrastructure back to its former, if not better self. We are practised in repairs to all types of Synthetic Bowling Greens, we can help you analyse your issues and create cost effective and resilient repair options in areas including but not limited to;

  • Base subsidence and tracking
  • Drainage upgrades and improvements
  • Ditch and Plinth upgrades
  • Bank Upgrades
  • Surrounds replacement